Supercharge your exam prep with Atom's free 11+ Course

Join Atom in a free four-part 11+ video course:

✅  Get support, guidance, and motivation
✅  Become inspired and energised about exam prep
✅  Achieve your goals with expert support

Your child's success is our shared goal.  

Sign up here to start your 11+ journey. 100% free.

Here's what you get

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Four exclusive lessons

Atom's free 11+ course is here to help your child learn tricky topics, refine exam techniques, and feel confident for the big day. These four lessons cover key 11+ curriculum.


Almost four hours of video

Our expert teachers are with you every step of the way, guiding your child through tricky 11+ topics in English, maths, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning.


Four printable practice papers

Receive four individual practice papers to help your child apply what they learn in lessons, and move from thought to action.

You are one decision away from a brighter future for your child. It can start today.

We deliver these courses at zero cost because we want to champion a better future for children across the country. We have helped more than 75,000 families so far.

Are you ready to join us? It's 100% free.

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The four video lessons 👇

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Your child's future starts today. Set them up for success.

Sign up to start your accelerated exam prep journey today. 100% free.

There is an infinite amount of possibility and excellence within your child. Let's work together to help them reach their full potential.
