There are many tools available for you to measure your child’s progress.
Performance scores
Your child's performance scores are based on questions answered in your child’s Exam Prep Plan on Atom Home. Your child will achieve a performance score of 'Needs Practice', 'Good', 'Strong' or 'Master'. This performance score is based on the difficulty of the questions your child has answered correctly. You can see this broken down by topic and skill. This allows you to identify which specific areas of strength and any that may require further practice. To review this, switch to your parent account and go to the Track page to see your child's progress.
You can then use the Practice feature on the Track page to target any topics your child has found challenging. This can help them to improve and build on their understanding and confidence in these areas.
Mock Test results
Your child can complete mock tests and you can review the results on your Track page.
Your child will be given a Standardised Age Score (SAS), an Ability Subtopic Breakdown and a transcript of the questions. Here you can review and compare their performance across different mock tests to assess progress over time.
Coins are one of the many ways your child is rewarded for progressing through the Atom Home curriculum. Your child can earn coins by answering questions and acts as a great incentive for them!
For each question your child answers correctly, your child will earn one coin.