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  3. I'm a teacher: Getting started on Atom School

🚀 Join the Atom Rewards Club (ARC) 🌟

Earn as they learn!

If you've arrived here, you're probably looking forward to seeing how your school can become an Atom Gold school and what that means for you and your students. We're excited to tell you! Watch the videos below to find out more. 


What is the Atom Rewards Club?

Atom Rewards Club is your chance to earn as they learn! Click here for a quick video introduction. 

As your students, teachers, and families work together on Atom School to achieve academic goals, your school can earn amazing prizes!

What rewards can I earn?

The very exciting bit! As a school, you can earn exclusive Atom activity packs, mock session credits, discounts for your families and more! Click here to see everything you'll get as an Atom Gold School.

How do I become a Gold school?

To hit gold status, your school will need to achieve all of the following requirements within 30 rolling days. Once you have hit your gold status, the status will be Gold for the next 30 days. Make sure to keep an eye on your progress via your dashboard to continue being a Gold school! 


  1. 50% of teachers active  🌟


    When teachers are active on the platform across each year group and subject, it ensures that the data you receive on student progress is accurate and reliable. You, as a school, can then see year-on-year attainment. It means your students have a consistent learning experience where the algorithm is attuned to them and reflects their academic growth.  


    A teacher is counted as active when they create and set or schedule a homework assignment, or run a lesson on the platform. You could also set an assessment for your students from our mock test area! If any of your team needs guidance on how to use these functions on Atom School, please get in touch via schools@atomlearning.co.uk. You can also visit our help videos here

    Active Teacher Definition: An active teacher needs to have created at least one homework lesson or mock session in the last 30 days.

  2. 70% of students active 👩‍🎓


    Put simply, the more active your students are on Atom School, the more questions they will be answering. In turn, the more progress they’ll be making on Atom! We acknowledge that there may be times when some students will not be using Atom throughout the year and so, the requirement is for only 70% of students to be active. 

    We acknowledge that there may be times when some students will not be using Atom throughout the year and therefore, the requirement is for only 70% of students to be active. 


    Each child needs to answer questions in at least one homework or lesson per week. So to keep student activity at a high percentage, we’d recommend setting homework or lessons regularly. Remember, this can be across any subject - feel free to have some fun with it! Why not try out a Science or Comprehension topic? 

    Active Student Definition: An active student is a pupil who has completed at least one homework, lesson or mock test within the last 30 rolling days.

  3. 50% of baseline assessments complete 🚀


    Baseline Assessments are short tests that are designed to be completed independently by each child. These can be done during school hours. These assessments help to inform Atom’s adaptive algorithm of the areas of strength and weakness.

    You will be able to see the results of the baseline assessments via your Atom School dashboard, simply watch the video below showing you how! 


    If you have a low % of baseline assessments completed, we’d recommend either holding the baseline assessment within school time or encouraging students to complete them at home. 

    If the students complete this within school and there are a few children who may have already completed this, feel free to set them homework to complete questions whilst the rest of the children are busy with their baselines. 

    You can also send out this letter to parents informing them of how to access the baseline assessment at home.

    Definition: A baseline assessment is counted as completed once the pupil has completed the English, Maths and Science topics in the baseline assessments.

  4. 80% Parental Engagement 😊


    A key benefit of Atom School is that it helps to bridge the gap between school and home. An Education Endowment Foundation study found that parental engagement in education can increase the academic progress of a child by up to four months. This is why we think it is incredibly important to encourage parents to be involved. Put simply, the more parents are involved in their children’s education, the more progress their children will be making!

    Parent portals also allow us to be as rigorous as possible with safeguarding and GDPR, as an activated portal gives parents/guardians oversight of their children’s activities on Atom.


    Parents need to activate their Parent Portal and log in to their account. They can do this from the top of their child’s account where it states ‘activate parent portal’, or we can securely send unique login links to parents with the click of a button. We often find it helps for you to give them a nudge from your side, so do get in touch if you’d like some example wording to send. We can also provide you with the links for all your students which you are welcome to send to parents too!

    Engaged Parent Definition:  A parent will need to have set their password for their Parent Portal and log in at least once.

  5. All of KS2 on Atom School 🏆


    To ensure a consistent learning experience for each student, using Atom from Year 3 up to Year 6 allows students to feel confident with working on Atom. Plus, it allows teachers to quickly and easily use one platform to support numerous subjects. How? Email schools@atomlearning.co.uk and ask to add any year groups that are missing.

    Email schools@atomlearning.co.uk and ask to add any year groups that are missing.


  6. Hold a mock session for one year group 📕


    Mock sessions in the form of summative assessments or progress tests are valuable ways for schools and teachers to assess student performance over time. By sitting a mock test at least once per academic year, teachers will receive granular insights on student performance to aid them in providing appropriate interventions for their pupils. It’s also a great way to communicate results to parents and keep them up to speed on their child’s progress!


    Click here to see how to set a mock session!