Updates to your child’s learning plan

We've made some updates to your Learn page

A new look for your child's weekly plan

Your child’s learning plan has a new look. When your child selects a subject in their weekly plan, they’ll see the islands they’ve been set as part of their weekly island target. Your child will answer eight questions on each learning island.

After your child completes a learning island, their results will appear. They’ll see how many questions they answered correctly, the total time spent and the number of coins they earned. They’ll also be able to review their answers and use helpsheets and videos to consolidate their learning. 

After your child has achieved their weekly island target for a subject, they’ll be prompted to continue or to try another subject. If your child completes their weekly island targets they can still continue to work through additional learning islands.

What other changes have been made?

As part of this update, mini-test islands have been removed from your child’s weekly plan. 

As we make updates, you can keep track of what’s new here.