Atom Home is the home platform for students and parents. It is designed to bridge the gap between school and home learning, plus provide support to stretch your child. Atom Home creates a tailored learning journey for each child using artificial intelligence (AI). The subjects cover maths, English, science, and verbal and non-verbal reasoning. The algorithm finds the optimal level of difficulty for your child so that they are always challenged, but do not become demotivated. Questions become harder or easier depending on how your child performs. You can closely track this progress on your parent account.
Children have access to interactive activities as well as live lessons, mock tests and can set specific practices. The platform gives access to tens of thousands of teacher-approved questions that follow the KS2 syllabus and the start of KS3, covering Years 3 - 7. Questions come with detailed explanations as well as videos and help sheets to help them understand the topics.
Atom Home can be used alongside the school platform as the two question banks are separate. It has been shown to reinforce classroom learning, build confidence and support academically confident students.
For any other questions you’d like answered, just get in touch!