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Unlimited paper tests on Atom Home

What are paper tests?

If you have an Exam Prep Plus subscription, you’ll have access to unlimited paper tests.

Atom’s paper tests are designed to help children know what to expect on exam day. Every paper test you download will contain a question paper and answer sheet.

Our admissions experts have carefully created our practice papers to replicate local exams (such as the Kent Test, Buckinghamshire Secondary Transfer Test or West Midlands Grammar Schools Entrance Test) and bespoke entrance exams set by individual schools.

What are unlimited paper tests?

Every time you download a paper test, you’ll get a different set of questions based on the exam structure of your chosen test. There are an unlimited number of paper tests available for the tests used by your child’s target schools. 

You’ll need to submit your child’s answers first to download a new version of the same test. 

Once your child has completed the test, you can submit their answers on Atom Home and access a full transcript of your child’s results.

Why use paper tests? 

We want your child to go into exam day feeling confident. Getting familiar with what to expect can help to ease nerves.

Paper tests will help your child get used to navigating the question booklets and marking their answers clearly on the answer sheet. In time, these skills will become second nature.

With practice, they’ll be able to focus on their answers instead of getting used to an unfamiliar format in the real exam. They’ll also be able to ensure that their answers are read clearly by the marking computer.


How do I download a paper test?

To download a paper test:

  1. Log in to Atom Home. Go to your Test page. You’ll see the test for your child’s first-choice school first, followed by the tests for your child’s additional target schools.Test page
  2. Select your chosen test by clicking on it.
  3. You’ll be prompted to confirm how you’d like to complete your chosen test. Click ‘Download’. Download

Please wait a moment as we prepare your child’s test. The message below will appear when your child’s paper test has been downloaded.Successful download

If you need to download a new copy of the paper test, click on the redownload button.Redownload

To download a new version of the paper test with a fresh set of questions, you'll need to submit your child’s answers first.


How do I submit my child's answers?

There are several ways you can access the tool to submit your child’s answers.

QR code

Scan the QR code on your child’s answer sheet.Answer sheet QR code

Learn page

  1. Log in to Atom Home. Go to your Learn page.
  2. Your child’s paper test will appear in their to-do list. Click on it to add their answers.To-do list

Test page

  1. Log in to Atom Home. Go to your Test page.
  2. Select the name of the paper test your child completed.
  3. Click add answers. Add answers

Submitting your child's answers

  1. Select ‘add answers’ to submit your child’s answers where prompted. 
    Add answers
  2. Keyboard shortcuts are available. In addition to selecting each answer, you can use A-E or 1-5 to submit your child’s answers. Use S or 0 for any skipped questions.
  3. If your child completed their paper test in timed conditions, add their timings into the time taken field. The time taken field uses a HH:MM:SS time format (representing hours, minutes and seconds).
    Time taken

Make sure the question numbers and answers match before submitting your results. If any questions were marked as skipped, you’ll be prompted to review them and make any adjustments. 

Once you submit your child’s answers, you’ll instantly get a full breakdown of their results.


Understanding your child's results

After your child has completed their paper test, we recommend spending 10-15 minutes going through their results together. You can find everything you need to know about interpreting your child’s paper test results and standardised age scores (SAS) in our guides.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss how we can best support your child’s learning using practice papers, email us at support@atomlearning.co.uk